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Digitization for SMEs

Ana Canteli

Written by Ana Canteli on January 21, 2022

Digitization for SMEs is no longer just having a profile on social networks, having a website, or worrying about the paperless office. The digitization of SMEs is the tool that will allow them, on the one hand, to survive in the global economy. However, it will also be the instrument to grow, be more competitive, increase its scope to all sectors and potential markets and improve the customer experience, among other objectives. There are no limits to the level of digitization to be achieved, given that each organization's degree of digital maturity, even by economic sector, is different. However, by having a digitalization plan that harmonizes the efforts of small and medium-sized companies, we can be sure that we are going in the right direction.

The digitization of SMEs is a process of adapting the organization, both at a human and technical level, which helps it achieve its objectives in the digital age. It is necessary to consider the information and communication technologies that the company uses and address the cultural evolution of the entity in the training of human resources, from senior management to the last employee hired.

For all these reasons, it is logical to consider the digitization process as a path that begins but never ends since new challenges constantly appear. Unique opportunities must be addressed and new digital solutions that can help SMEs improve their position in the market.

To best define a digitization plan for the SME, it is necessary to know in detail the company's digital maturity level. In this sense, it is crucial to have a technological partner that guides us and advises us on the best digitization strategy for our company through its consulting, training, and personalization services.

At the national level, small and medium-sized companies still believe that they do not need to digitize themselves or advance in their digitization plan since they have already made an investment in the past or are satisfied with its current range.

For these organizations, the future is uncertain and worrying because apart from losing potential, they risk being overtaken by competitors, losing market share, and even disappearing if a digitization process is not considered according to their situation.

Advantages of digitization for SMEs

● Improved customer experience thanks to the opening of a new sales channel
● Time reduction in business processes
● Better internal and external communication (among employees, departments, suppliers, customers, public administrations, interest groups)
● Better information management, which represents a substantial improvement in decision-making
● Optimization of business processes thanks to the automation and simplification provided by new technologies
● Improvement of working conditions, more significant talent acquisition, conciliation and labor flexibility.
● Productivity increase
● Cost reduction
● Strengthens the corporate image of the company

To start or advance in the digital model, the Government of Spain has launched the Digital KIT managed through the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation. Endowed with 3,067 million euros from the EU's Next Generation funds, it seeks to help small and medium-sized national companies to tackle digital transformation successfully and with guarantees.

What help does it offer me?

The Digital Kit offers help organized into three large segments based on the company's size by the number of employees.

Segment I: Small companies with between 10 and 49 employees. Amount: €12,000
Segment II: Small businesses or micro-businesses with between 3 and 9 employees. Amount: €6,000
Segment III. Small companies or micro-businesses with between 0 and 2 employees. Also freelancers. Amount €2,000

What do I have to do to benefit from the Digital Kit?

● Be self-employed, SME or mircroSME
● Comply with the limits established in the categories by the company (segments)
● Be registered and have the minimum seniority required in the call
● Be up to date with tax obligations and with Social Security
● Not be subject to a pending recovery order from the European Commission related to illegal and incompatible aid in the common market.
● Not be considered a company in crisis
● Not incurring in the prohibitions provided for in Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies art.13.2
● Do not exceed the limit of minimum aid for small amounts.

What is eligible

At OpenKM, we have a long history as a technological partner for digitization and digital transformation clients. We can help you in the application process and work closely on the digitization plan that best suits your characteristics and objectives. Once the Digital Kit is defined in all aspects, the client only has to choose the digital solutions that most interest them.


● WEBSITE (Up to €2,000)
● Electronic Commerce (Up to €2,000)
● Social Networks (Up to €2,500)
● Customer and/or supplier management (up to €4,000)
● BI and analytics (Up to €4,000)
● Virtual office services (up to €12,000)
● Process Management (Up to €6,000)
● Electronic Invoice (Up to €1,000)
● Secure Communications (Up to €6,000)
● Cybersecurity (up to €6,000)

How to get the Digital KIT grant

The company requesting the Digital KIT needs, as a prerequisite and mandatory, to carry out a self-diagnosis of its level of digitization. In this aspect, OpenKM can help you carry out the process without obstacles. Digital diagnostic services include:

● high on the platform
● completion of the self-diagnosis
● Registration and notification.

Public administrations have declared that no SME will be left without help for its digital transformation. At the beginning of the new year, what better purpose than to equip ourselves with a digitization plan that allows us to improve our expectations for the future


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